Tag: State of the Game

DreamHack: Stockholm Invitational 2011 – Coverage

The Dreamhack Stockholm Invitational is complete and as usual I wanted to bring you a comprehensive resource for getting all the updates, videos, and pictures you need. This seems like it’s getting old now, but as always, I will update with the bolded “NEW:” text as I come across other cool resources. Oh and I wanted to mention that the State of the Game crew spoke very highly of these matches and the production values of Dreamhack, so don’t miss this!

Results and Brackets

Videos and Streams

Pictures and Image Galleries

Other Interesting Links and Articles

A heart warming story about Jinro returning to Sweden for the Invitational and receiving a supportive welcome home. Here’s the Team Liquid English summary.

Other Tags: DH, SotG, StarCraft II, SC2

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