Category: eSports Podcasts

Getting To Know “Samsc2” from Complexity Gaming

Tonight I had the pleasure of interviewing Samuel “Samsc2” Kasperek from Complexity Gaming (or perhaps ‘affiliated with’ is the better term). He was a very interesting guest, although much of what we talked about was prior and after the broadcast. What we did capture and share was this:

  1. Opening question: “What’s your gaming history?”
  2. Casting and commentating questions
  3. Community organizer questions
  4. General eSports questions
  5. Closing questions and remarks

You can find time links to each section of the interview in the video description on YouTube. Also be sure to follow Sam on Twitter and tune into his channel. Thanks for watching and if you have any “behind the scenes” guests you think need some airtime, let me know!

Getting To Know “Marine” from Impulse eSports

Tonight’s interview is with Ed “Marine” Grubb from Impulse eSports. We had a pretty long discussion covering these topics:

  1. Opening question: “What’s your gaming history?”
  2. The history of Impulse eSports
  3. PhysicsLee cheating controversy
  4. CS:S acquisition and adding teams to Impulse
  5. All about the ISTL
  6. ISTL Season 4 information, qualifier dates
  7. General eSports questions
  8. The future of Impulse eSports

You can find time links to each section in the video description on YouTube. Be sure to follow Marine on Twitter and the official Impulse eSports Twitter. You can also learn more about the PhysicsLee controversy on TeamLiquid and Reddit and follow progress with the Indie StarCraft Team League (ISTL) on Liquipedia.

Getting To Know eSports: Interview with Sean “EroSennin” Gough

Over the past few months I’ve been debating how I want to approach eSports. I officially put the eSports bulletin on hiatus because each episode took hours to make and I didn’t have enough time everyday to get them done. I would like to keep making Behind The Play episodes covering strategy for fans and players, but those take a lot of time per episode and only allow me to publish once-in-awhile. So I began brainstorming other options because I didn’t just want to step away from eSports and be done. So now I present a new series that I think will work out a lot better because it doesn’t require hours and hours of time I don’t have right now. Getting To Know eSports will introduce players, casters, event coordinators, community managers, website owners, and more, to the eSports world through a series of questions that help you get to know the person on a more personal level. Rather than interviews that cover the latest news or tournament results, which there is already plenty of, I wanted to create a more intimate, sit down and get to know someone series. My first guest was Sean “EroSennin” Gough, a StarCraft 2 player from Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is currently playing for the Complexity Gaming Academy and I met him in person at a Teh Pwn Gaming CSL StarCraft 2 event in 2011. He’s a great guy and was a fun guest so be sure to check out the interview embedded below, or watch it on YouTube.

Other Tags: Ero-Sennin, Collegiate StarLeague, TPG, University of Minnesota: Twin Cities, coL Academy, SC2, StarCraft II

eSports Mini-Lecture: Kickstarter, FPS scene, DayZ, and Shout Outs

Now that the eSports bulletin is well underway, and I have a smooth method for producing them, it is time for the next step in my master plan of eSports awesomeness! This new show is a chance for me to talk about things I find interesting and share my personal opinions. I’m going to try and keep things interesting by talking about drama, rumors, controversies, exciting announcements and things of that nature. I’ll also preface topics with a history of what happened, why it’s important, and then delve into my actual thoughts. I’m also considering bringing on guests if the topic warrants it, although I’m not sure about being a host (the pressure *shudders in horror*).

In the pilot episode that’s embedded below, I talk about the recent Kickstarter controversies, conflicts within the FPS scene, and assholes in DayZ. I also close with some shoutouts to my favorite eSports websites.

Lastly, be sure to check back here for the latest episodes of this show and the eSports bulletin! I’ll also have summaries of what’s covered, share relevant links, and even publish full articles detailing specific topics. That way if someone prefers reading or wants something to reference, there’ll be a nice articulated version as well.

Oh and the title of the show is still undecided. For now it’s the eSports VLOG, but I don’t like that…any ideas?

Other Tags: CSGO, CS:GO, ArmA 2, ArmA II

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