I thought I’d give an overall update about what has been going on and what the plan is for the future.

Over the past month I’ve been working on the core release of this site. It launched in early January as version 0.1 and has worked it’s way up to 0.1.2 with 0.1.3 scheduled for this Friday. Version 0.2.0 will be on its way sometime in February.

I’ve also been keeping up with eSports shows which I’ve been adding to the “Looking for the best eSport shows?” page. Check it out if you haven’t, there’s some really good productions going on.

On the social networking side, I’ve kept things pretty quiet since I want to hold off making any big announcements until more of the site is ready. Plus the slow growth is good for testing performance.

The new Spawn Room Mumble server is being hosted on site here at the office and its been running pretty smooth. Thanks to Apoplexy Industries for that one…

And that’s about it for now. More announcements in the future as new features are deployed.