It began with panic, then morphed into tireless, empty nights. My lethargy abated only by the rich, dark poison we so commonly embrace. A slumbering beast waited patiently to drag me off to a chamber of hungry eyes. My spirit was broken and my body worn. Each day crawled by mocking my efforts. Yet through it all I remain standing, victorious over the battles that dared face me. Now it is time to return to my post, awaiting the ever approaching darkness that threatens to follow.

So yeah, the month of May was interesting. It literally consumed my life until the day I graduated. Now after a move and getting resettled, I return to my duties. One of course being my job here at The Spawn Room, bringing you various eSports articles and bits of news. But there are other plans in the works. Eventually I want to tear down this website and relaunch it the way I always dreamed of. But it will be a long road, and I have no money because I’m self-employed making $0 / hour, so we’ll see how that goes…

Oh and this weekend I will be attending MLG Columbus in person, with a few friends. It’s going to be completely off-the-wall. I’m going to be so jacked and hopefully will get a chance to party with the pros! Yeah, so check back for photos, my thoughts, a review, maybe some other random stuff, and who knows what else. Peace.